Tuesday 6 October 2020

The recording of 2 October New Zealand Labour Law Society on-line seminar is now available

On Friday 2 October 2020 the Society offered a Zoom seminar around the theme of  “Employment Law in an uncertain environment: Utopia or Dystopia?”

This was recorded and can be viewed here


Convener: Graeme Colgan, Barrister and former Chief Judge of the Employment Court of New Zealand

Speakers and Topics:

Professor Gordon Anderson, Law Faculty, Victoria University of Wellington "Structural Integrity- Employment Law and the Pandemic" 

John Goddard, Barrister, Lambton Chambers "Access to justice" 

Dr Andrew Dallas, Chief, Employment Relations Authority "The Authority and CoVID-19" 

Nicola Green, Massey University’s School of Management "Working from home in times of disruption and in the future: implications for workers and organisations" 

Dr Amanda Reilly and Kathleen Makale, School of Accounting and Commercial Law Victoria University of Wellington "Who pays? Employees, tax and the costs of working from home." 

 Professor Annick Masselot, School of Law, University of Canterbury "Who works and who gets paid?"

Anna Sturman and Dr Matt Scobie, University of Canterbury University Business School "Economies of Mana and horizons of change" 

Dr Dawn Duncan, Faculty of Law, University of Otago "Worker health" 

 Dr Sanna Malinen, University of Canterbury University Business School and Prof Katharina Naswall, Department of Psychology, University of Canterbury "Covid and Wellbeing" 

Peter Upson, Public Trust "Artificial Intelligence and Workplace Surveillance"


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